Wednesday, December 12, 2007

One million copies of Spe Salvi sold

In the brief time that has elapsed since it was released, our Holy Father’s second encyclical has already sold over a million copies, according to Catholic World News.

Spe Salvi, on Christian hope, was released on November 30th. That’s less than two weeks ago. This must be the biggest-selling papal encyclical of modern times; Melancholicus can’t imagine them queueing up to buy JP2’s Redemptor Hominis or Paul VI’s Populorum Progressio in anything like similar numbers.

Melancholicus has downloaded his own copy from the website of the Holy See and is reading it on his computer screen, but it’s not the same as holding the printed and bound volume in one’s hand, so he’ll be looking forward to Veritas finally getting in their shipment, hopefully before Christmas.

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